Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Inadequacy of the Verbal Approach to Living

People who are no longer stumped by the apparent issues of life understand the shortcomings of the verbal contact with life.  To them, there is a whole new universe that opens up.  The vast majority of human beings, though, are unaware of this truth and they allow themselves to be controlled by the verbal associations with the experiences in life.  The following paragraph taken from the Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra says something in that direction:

“The Eastern mystics, too, are well aware of the fact that all verbal descriptions of reality are inaccurate and incomplete.  The direct experience of reality transcends the realms of thought and language, and, since all mysticism is based on such a direct experience, everything said about it can only be partly true.  In physics, the approximate nature of all statements is quantified and progress is made by improving the approximations in many successive steps.  How then do the Eastern traditions deal with the problem of verbal communication?”

Capra answers this question in a detailed way in his book. We can also chip in here.   One answer can be based on the region of intuition whose power is far greater than the merely logical mind that relies on the verbal approach.  The pointer here is that those who understand the limitations of all belief systems move on to the inner awareness where the non-verbal contact with life rules the roost. That region is free of religious and other conditioning.  People who wish to lead a vibrant life sooner or later move into that zone.       

The Winding Path

The Winding Path
Into the Unknown